The Wales 10K Sunday, June 29, 2025

Frequently Asked Questions

Have a question about The Wales 10k? No problem – simply look through our frequently asked questions below, and hopefully you’ll find the info you need.

General FAQs

How can I register for the event?

Simply go the home page and enter via Eventrac.  We do not accept paper entries.

Are there any age restrictions?

Yes, you must be 14+ years to compete in The Wales 10k.  (You must be 11+ years to compete in the 5K, 16+ years for the half marathon and 18+ years for the full marathon.

Can someone else register me?

No, you MUST register yourself with photographic ID.  For registration opening times please go to 

When is the closing date for Registration?

The closing date will be as close as possible to the event, in order to make final event arrangements. This date will be published closer to the time, but as a rough guide, last year it was 4 weeks before the event.

How do I know if my entry has been successful?

You will receive a confirmation email within  24 hours of entering.  If you don't receive a confirmation email, please firstly check your junk mail folder.  If you have any concerns regarding your entry please email us at [email protected]

Will there be timing chips?

Yes - Timing chips are on your bib and must be pinned to the front of your chest.  These must be collected at registration upon showing photo ID.

Do I have to be a member of a club to enter?

 No - The Wales 10K is open to all club and non-club runners. 

Can I Transfer, Defer or Refund My Entry?

Please see Terms and Conditions for all answers regarding transfer, deferrals and refunds.

Are there official photographers?

Yes, Finisherpix are the official photographers at this event.  You can pre-order photos when you register, or purchase photos after the event from Finisherpix.

What time is registration open?

Registration takes place in Tenby Leisure Centre.  Please refer to for opening times.

Can I wear headphones?

No, we discourage anyone wearing headphones during the race.

What should I wear?

Your event number MUST be worn on the FRONT.  Your torso MUST be covered at all times.  We highly recommend wearing proper running shoes that have been correctly fitted to avoid discomfort during the run.  We also recommend not wearing brand new trainers on race day as shoes should be worn in for maximum comfort.  running socks will reduce rubbing and aid both shock absorption and circulation, they are also fast drying and odour repellent.  We recommend merino wool or polyamide socks.  

Will there be drink stations on the route?

Yes - they will be every 3 miles and they will alternate between a drink and feed station. However, if you would like to carry any energy gels to keep you going, please feel free to do so.

Is the run mainly on roads or is it multi-terrain?

The route is on fully-closed roads, with some spectacular Pembrokeshire scenery. If you'd like to view the route, please click here.

Is there a cut-off time?

Yes, there is an overall cut off time of 4pm.

Can I enter if I have a disability?

 Athletes with a registered disability will need to contact the race office to discuss whether the race is suitable and safe to enter.

Out of interest which Activity Wales races are you doing?? Out of interest which Activity Wales races are you doing??

Top Tip - Start with a sprint tri early in the season. Swansea is a good one to get your confidence up as the swim is in SA1 Dock which is a great environment as you don’t have to battle the seas tide and currents.

‘Plan some regular swim sets’ ‘Plan some regular swim sets’

It’s important to keep your threshold swimming going over during the ‘off’ season. Below you find two swim sessions which will help you going into the winter months. Try these twice a week and record your times. You can adjust the rest times and distances according to your ability. Feel free to reach out to the coaches at Heathwood swimming in Cardiff for extra help or any questions you may have regarding swim sets or drills.

‘It’s getting colder & the weather is changing’ ‘It’s getting colder & the weather is changing’

For most of us the open water swimming season is coming to an end or is basically over. In October the UK water temperature in the sea, lakes & reservoirs are dropping rapidly and where you were able to swim in 17 to 20 degrees its now more like 12 or 13oc.

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